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Monday, October 3, 2011


           There are many caves that we do not realize the truth or reality. However, once you find what is real, you will face that either the real is better or worse. Plato’s story represents the better world, and the matrix shows painful world. I strongly believe that the movie, “matrix” is more accurate than the Plato’s allegory of the cave story.

         The movie Matrix shows the bad images of reality. According to the movie, in reality, people are made and even controlled emotionally and physically by Artificial Intelligence (called AI). They cannot think for themselves and cannot experience the taste of food that they are eating. They are not a real human. They are just kind of slaves of computers. From this movie, the dystopian images of real world look like more accurate, because it more resembles people's experience of real truth. Once we escape from the cave, we usually see that the real facts are worse. I want to give some examples why it is true. From what I experience, I used to believe that I live in the fast changing world. When I wake up everyday, I see many things created and developed by high computerized technology or human skills. I thought that those improvements in technology would lead a better life, but it was wrong. It seems like we are in the good environment, but, when I look at my lives, that is totally not true. Because of well-developed communication devices, I do not meet people face to face very much. Instead, I do text messaging, using social networking. A cell phone do everything.  The reality is that I live like unhuman as a result of developed society. I do not have time to talk with my family because of doing facebook or games.  Like my idea about high developed world, the reality is terrible.
           There is other example of how people's painful reality can be found. There is a story about amazon Indians of south America. Amazon Indians were found by people of outside of the world. For outside of people, they were in the cave. Before they were found, they had their own life styles. They had their strict rules which were conserved from their ancestors about marriage, sharing foods and territory. They usually live like an native human. They used to do hunting to get foods, such as catching birds, animals, or fishes for their family. They also had their party several days to enjoy themselves. They never knew about outside of the world. Therefore, they coexisted with the nature. Thet live with the nature and never badly affected to the nature. They just get what they need for a living. However, people in the outside found that there were different people who were living dissimilarly without any contacts with modern people. Once they get exposed to the outside of the world, outside of the people had a curious about tham and wanted to come to the amazon to see how they live. The result of people’s invasion to amazon was incredibly terrible. The amazon Indians got sick because of they were exposed of new bacterias carried by many people who visited them. The reality for the Indians turned out to be sad. Some of people died and some left the amazon to live with people in the outside.

     As the world is becoming more developed, there will be many factors that create a dystopian world.  I know that there are some people argue against me. However, I empasize that like I give some examples of bad realities, the reality of terrible world is more accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Yonil, did the Amazon indians live an illusion, or simply a different kind of life? This may not be a very fitting example to your point.
